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最后更新: 2017-11-22 08:53

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认证: 软隆 品牌: 上海软隆科技
测量精度: 0.01秒 材质: 医用材料
尺寸: 1*1 重量: 10KG
适用范围: 用于测试动物疼痛反应时间和动物对镇痛药物 型号: BW
规格: 实时尾部温度/触发可选 商标: 上海软隆科技
包装: 软隆标准 产量: 100


疼痛甩尾测试仪甩尾测试(tail flick )用于测试动物疼痛反应时间和动物对镇痛药物的疼痛反应极限.实验过程中,检测到动物尾部甩动后内置的计时器自动停止计时.
足底热刺激痛觉实验(plantar test)用于测试镇痛药物影响无束缚大鼠对外部热刺激的反应时间,使用时先通过从爪下面的测试头发出导向光将光源移到动物爪底,通过反光镜确定位置,避免频繁弯腰和低头,方便操作,启动加热光束照射到动物爪底进行实验。
精确数字控制, 时间精确度为0.01秒
足底热刺痛/甩尾二合一(Combination Plantar/Tail Flick Analgesia Meter)是将以上两种设备巧妙的结合起来,用一套设备完成两种实验的性价比方案。
Plantar Test and tail Flick Test Apparatus combination system all in one ; is the only commercially available system of its kind. No need to purchase two separate systems, our combinations system enables researchers to perform both tests with this unique design. Testing properties of narcotic and stronger non-narcotic drugs on unrestrained mice and rats in plantar mode.
Plantar Test Analgesia Meter for paw stimulation can be used on 12 mice, 6 rats and other animals (cats, rabbits) unrestrained when testing for narcotic drugs. Experiments are easy to perform, simply slide the test head under test subject, align the heat source via our exclusive guide light (idle state) by the attached, adjustable, angled mirror on test head to test subject and perform tests.
Start, stop and reset of tests is done by either the push button on test head, front panel controls or supplied footswitch.
With our exclusive “idle state” of the heat source one is assured of exact placement of the heat source. Tests are performed on the plantar surface by a focused, radiant heat light source. The light beam is focused to the top of the glass and creates a 4X6mm intense spot on the paw.



